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HPC 比赛


SC Conference 是世界上最大的高性能计算会议,每年 11 月在美国举办。


Student Cluster Competition (SCC)

With sponsorship from hardware and software vendor partners, competing student teams design and build small clusters, learn scientific applications, and apply optimization techniques for their chosen architectures in a non-stop, 48-hour challenge.

SCC 是一个 48 小时的比赛,参赛队伍需要在比赛现场组装一台小型超算,并在比赛期间运行一些科学应用程序,最终获得最高的性能。


The IndySCC is an event sharing the goals of the SCC but with an emphasis on education and inclusion, intended for less-experienced teams. Teams compete remotely using provided hardware through an education-focused experience supported by HPC industry experts during the months leading up to the conference. A 48-hour contest the weekend prior to SC will be the culmination of the experience and knowledge gained by the teams in the preceding months.

IndySCC 是 SCC 的简单版本,旨在为经验较少的队伍提供一个学习和交流的平台。参赛队伍在比赛前几个月通过远程访问提供的硬件进行学习,最后会有一个 48 小时的比赛作为前几个月的学习总结。


International Supercomputing Conference 是世界上最大的高性能计算会议,每年 6 月在德国举办。



The ISC Student Cluster Competition 2024 encourages international teams of university students to showcase their expertise in a friendly yet spirited competition that fosters critical skills, professional relationships, competitive spirit and lifelong comraderies.

The Competition is an integral part of the ISC event and ongoing success and growing recognition as a world championship competition are a result of the collaborative partnership between ISC and the HPC-AI Advisory Council.

The virtual part will be open for all teams, the teams will be connecting to remote clusters and run HPC applications, performing benchmarks and participate in the given challenges.

The in-person part will be open for up to seven teams. The onsite teams will bring and assemble their own cluster, and run the micro-benchmarks and HPC applications, within three days of the ISC High Performance Conference.

ISC SCC 分为 Virtual Part 和 In-Persion Part。目前我们参加的是 Virtual Part,有大约一个月的时间远程访问提供的硬件进行学习。


Asia Supercomputer Community (ASC) 每年举办一次学生竞赛。