MPI 调优¶
MPI 实现一般都会为集合通信提供不同的算法,以适应不同的通信模式。这些算法在特定场景下可能会有不同的性能表现,因此需要根据实际情况进行调优。
一篇经典的例子是:GitHub: OpenMPI Bcast and Allreduce much slower than Intel-MPI (unrelated to EFA)。这位作者在 AWS 集群上测试了 OpenMPI 和 IntelMPI 各种算法的性能,给出了详细的测试结果。
- 列出可用的集合通信算法:
ompi_info --param coll tuned --level 9
MCA coll tuned: parameter "coll_tuned_allreduce_algorithm" (current
value: "ignore", data source: default, level: 5
tuner/detail, type: int)
Which allreduce algorithm is used. Can be locked
down to any of: 0 ignore, 1 basic linear, 2
nonoverlapping (tuned reduce + tuned bcast), 3
recursive doubling, 4 ring, 5 segmented ring. Only
relevant if coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules is true.
Valid values: 0:"ignore", 1:"basic_linear",
2:"nonoverlapping", 3:"recursive_doubling",
4:"ring", 5:"segmented_ring", 6:"rabenseifner"
- 通过 MCA 参数设置算法,以 recursive doubling 为例:
--mca coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 \
--mca coll_tuned_allreduce_algorithm 3 \
--mca coll_tuned_allreduce_algorithm_segmentsize 4096 \
--mca coll_tuned_allreduce_algorithm_tree_fanout 4
- 设置 Bcast 算法: